Michael Calonje Joins MBC Team as Cycad Biologist

Michael Calonje is the new cycad biologist at Montgomery Botanical Center. In addition to broad experience in field botany and plant collecting, Michael has worked for various botanic gardens internationally, in management, collections, horticulture, and plant...

2006 Grounds Collection Inventory Complete

Annual grounds inventory ensures that each plant in Montgomery Botanical Center’s collection remains solidly associated with its data. Each plant’s label and mapped location work together and provide redundancy for this all-important linkage: inventory...

Logan Barton, Montgomery Intern

Montgomery Botanical Center welcomes Logan Barton, a horticulture student from Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. Logan is MBC’s first intern in the inaugural year of the Montgomery Internship Program. He brings experience working with...

Hurricane Wilma Strikes South Florida

Once again, we sustained major damage to our plants collections from yet another hurricane. As of November 1st, power was restored to part of the property and damage assessments and recovery efforts were underway. Additional information and photos will be posted once...